City Governments *| CA,Alberta,Calgary *| US,CA, Foster City *| CA,Alberta,Grand Prairie *| US,CA,SF *| US,MA,Muni *| CA,BC,Victoria *| UK,London *| US,TX,Austin *| US,Civic *| Colleges and Universities *| US,AL,Auburn *| US,TX,Baylor *| US,NY,Binghamton *| US,PA,Carnegie Mellon,SEI *| US,CA,De Anza *| US,GA,Emory *| US,GA,Georgia Tech *| US,CA,Golden Gate *| AU,Brisbane,Griffith U *| US,MA,Holy Cross *| BE,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven *| US,CA,Mesa *| US,MA,MIT *| CA,NewFoundland,Memorial University *| US,NY,Univer *| US,VI,Northern Vrginia CC *| US,ID, Notre Dame *|US,OH,Ohio State *| US,OK,Oklahoma State *| US,CA,Palomar *| US,LA,Southwest Baptist *| US,CA,Stanford *| US,MA,Tufts *| US,AZ,U-Arizona *| US,CN,U-Connecticut *| US,IL,U-Illinos *| US,IW,U-Iowa *| US,MA,U-Mass *| US,MI,U-Michigan *| US,MN,U-Minn *| US,PA,U-Penn *| CA,Ontario,U-Toronto *| US,CA,UC *| US,CA,UC-Berkeley *| US,CA,UC-Davis *| US,CA,UC-Irvine *| US,CA,UC-LA *| US,CA,UC-SB *| US,NC,U-NoCarolina *| US,CA,USC *| US,WI,UW-Madison *| US,Missouri,U-Washington *| IT,Milan,Politecnico di Milano *| Federal Government *| US,GOV,DOTreas *| US,GOV,DOC *| US,MIL,Army *| US,GOV,DOD *| US,GOV,DOE *| US,GOV,DOEd *| US,MIL,Navy *| US,GOV,EPA *| US,GOV,GSA *| US,GOV,LANL *| US,MIL,DARPA *| US,MIL,DISA *| US,GOV,NASA *| US,GOV,NIST *| US,Gov,OakRidge *| US,MIL,AF *| US,GOV,VA *| International - Federal Level - Governments *| Miscellaneous - Architecture Resources *| State Government *| US,ST, AK *| US,ST, AR *| US,ST, AZ *| US,ST, CO *| US,ST, CT *| US,ST, DE *| US,ST, FL *| US,ST, IA *| US,ST, ID *| US,ST, IN *| US,ST, KA *| US,ST, Ky *| US,ST, ME *| US,ST, MA *| US,ST, MD *| US,ST, MI *| US,ST, MO *| US,ST, MS *| US,ST, MT *| US,ST, NC *| US,ST, ND *| US,ST, NE *| US,ST, NH *| US,ST, NJ *| US,ST, NM *| US,ST, NY *| US,ST, NV *| US,ST, OH *| US,ST, OR *| US,ST, PN *| US,ST, SC *| US,ST, SD *| US,ST, TN *| US,ST, TX *| US,ST, UT *| US,ST, VA *| US,ST, VT *| US,ST, WA *| US,ST, WI *| US,ST, WV *| US,ST, WY *| US,ST, General *| Zackman *| IEAC References *|
City Governments
The resulting Information Technology Architecture was published in 1994 May, and included eight strategies, each with several short-term and longer-term action ideas. 
Action Idea Summary
Executive Summary
US,CA, Foster City
This IT Plan, a true "working document," serves as the tool to ensure that the City's use of such tools is well planned and sufficient to meet the City's business needs. 

City of Foster City 1998-1999 Information Technology Plan Intro

City of Foster City 1998-1999 IT Plan Business Operations, Info Systems, Support
City of Foster City 1998-1999 IT Plan Infrastructure Update
City of Foster City 1998-1999 Information Technology Plan Background
City of Foster City 1998-1999 Information Technology Plan Org Overview
City of Foster City 1998-1999 IT Plan Information Security / Business Resumption Planning
City of Foster City 1998-1999 Information Technology Plan Costs
City of Foster City 1998-1999 Information Technology Plan Next Steps
CA,Alberta,Grand Prairie
Index of Links to Web Sites for Strategic Improvement and Business Planning; City or Municipal; State and Provincial; Federal Government; Information Technology and Telecommunications Planning; University Strategic Planning. 
The study examined present and future network infrastructure, and recommends an improved overall design (architecture) that will integrate the central AS/400 computer, desktop computers, local area networks, and external networks. It will also provide the foundation for creating and applying information tools and techniques needed by senior management and staff. 
The technology of electronic communications has lately become a vitally important cornerstone in human endeavor, especially in the developed world. This page will outline the City of Grande Prairie's use of a variety of electronic communications media, and will ultimately attempt to define some of the guiding policies and philosophies.
IMAC is a strategic planning and policy making body which oversees collection, storage, processing, exchange and display of information through use of electronic and telecommunications equipment and systems for the City of Grande Prairie.  
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada - Information Management Advisory Committee: 01/03/98
Grande Prairie - Making Government Better 12/09/98
Background paper for the City of Grande Prairie's Strategic Planning for Information Technology and Telecommunications:
City of Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada - Computer Network Study: Strategic Direction for an Enterprise-wide Network Infrastructure; Telecommunications; Information Technology.
The City of Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada. The CyberCity Initiative; Information Technology and Telecommunications in the Information Age. Learning about and Preparing to Participate in the Information Age.
City of Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada - Executive Summary for the CyberCity Initiative.
City of Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada - Information Technology Strategic Planning and Directions in the Province of Ontario, Canada.
A project to develop a City-wide Strategic Plan for Information Technology using the aid of an outside consultant. 
City and County of SF | DTIS | Strategic Plan | 09/14/97
This paper provides some compelling rationale along with examples from other communities for the involvement of Local Government in information infrastructure planning and development 
Life in the Fast Lane
The Center for Civic Networking - Life in the Fast Lane : A Municipal Roadmap for the Information Superhighway 1994
Slide Show 
City of Victoria
UK,London London local government in the Information Society
US,TX,Austin City of Austin: Proposed Telecommunity Initiative
US,Civic National Strategy for Civic Networking
Colleges and Universities
US,ID,Notre Dame
The Office of Information Technologies created the position of IT Architect on February 16, 1999.
ND Architecture
You have been asked to participate in an examination into the development of enterprise architectures in modern organizations. The goal of the research is to further the understanding of the value of information technology resources in today's organizations. You were selected as a participant in this study because of your knowledge of both information technology resources and business strategies in your organization
  Auburn - Questions for Interview
Marshall Hill
The information processing perspective and defined two constructs, sharing and customization, as a link between organizational requirements and technical capabilities. G. Bracchi, C. Francalanci Milano, Italy 
Balor - A Framework for the Alignment of IT Architectures
This document is intended to serve as a starting point, in the Fall of 1996, for the development of the University's long-range technology plan. 
Binghamton U Long-range Information Technology Plan 1996
Binghamton University Long-Range Information Technology Plan
US,PA,Carnegie Mellon,SEI
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense. The SEI contract was competitively awarded to Carnegie Mellon University in December 1984. Technical and administrative professionals from government, industry, and academia staff it. 
Carnegie Mellon - Related Architecture Web Sites 19 October 1998
Carnegie Mellon U Work in Software Architecture at the SEI 7 August 1998
SEI - About The STR
SEI - Distributed/Collaborative Enterprise Architectures
Carnegie Mellon - Distributed/Collaborative Enterprise Architectures
Software Engineering Management Practices - Welcome
Related Architecture Web Sites
Carnegie Mellon University Strategic Planning Process
US,CA,De Anza
A technology plan for the Foothill-De Anza Community College District.
De Anza - District Technology Plan June 4, 1996
The general purpose of the Information Technology Division's redesign process is to create a new organization with a culture that supports our mission and values and the changing needs of the Emory University system 
ITD Home
From META Group
US,GA,Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech is well-positioned among research universities to prosper in the coming century. Nevertheless, the Institute will need to make critical and sometimes difficult choices if it is to maximize the advantages that it enjoys and surmount the challenges that lie before it.
Georgia Tech - Strategic Plan Sept 18, 1995
Information Technology Architecture - Introduction
Computer Architecture at Georgia Tech
US,CA,Golden Gate
Golden Gate U Management Information Systems
AU,Brisbane,Griffith U
The Generic Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology is about those methods, models and tools which are needed to build the integrated enterprise. The architecture is generic because it applies to most, potentially all types of enterprise.    The coverage of the framework spans Products, Enterprises, Enterprise Integration and Strategic Enterprise Management, with the emphasis being on the middle two. The proposal for the architecture follows the architecture itself improving the quality of the presentation and of the outcome. 
Griffith U AU - GERAM - A Framework to Define a Generic Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology 11/3/94
US,MA,Holy Cross
Slide show 
GroupWise and Computing
Holy Cross - Campus Computing - AJCU Presentation at Seattle U1996
BE,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Descriptions of various architecture styles 
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - definition of architecture May 1996
Computing and Communications Systems Architecture draft examines several networking and computing issues. 
Mesa CC - Network Architecture Planning
The Integration Process helps determine if and how a new or modified computing system will fit into MIT's existing computing infrastructure. 
MIT - Information Technology Integration Process October 21,1998
Infrastructure Requirements for Applications and Systems
MIT Security
The MIT Information Technology Infrastructure
MIT Information Technology Integration Laboratory
Information Technology Data Administration Team Information Technology Integration Team MIT Information Technology Integration Laboratory
Information Security Office
CA,NewFoundland,Memorial University
This document is the strategic information technology plan of Memorial University of Newfoundland
MU of Newfoundland - Information Technology Plan November 27th, 1995
slide show - Craig Mac Vittie 
Buffalo U An Eterprise Architecture for Distributed Computing Jan 1997
U-Buffalo Campus IT
U-AlbanyCenter for Technology in Government Home Page
Tying a Sensible Knot: A Practical Guide to State-Local Information Systems -- Abstract CTG IIS-1
CTG Publications Menu
US,VI,Northern Vrginia CC
Northern Virginia Community College plans to achieve by the end of academic year 1997-98
Northern Virginia CC Technology Plan 1997-98
US,OH,Ohio State
A White Paper on Implementing a Proposed Information Technology Strategy for The Ohio State University
Ohio State - U Technology Services Advanced Administrative Projects 9/3/93
US,OK,Oklahoma State
The IBM Network Consulting Group asked IBM's Academic Consulting and Services (ACIS) to facilitate the development of the plan. ACIS has facilitated the development of such plans at hundreds of universities and colleges throughout the United States. 
Master Plan for Information Technology
Discusses the key technological issues facing the District, the current environment, and Task Force recommendations for the future. It also provides network and infrastructure details to those persons who will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of information technology and the agreed-upon strategy for addressing infrastructure issues 
Technology Master Plan

US,LA,Southwest Baptist
Southwest Baptist U - A Technology Strategy June 1995
Architecture, Planning and Standards (APS) provides the focus, process, planning, and oversight to ensure Stanford's successful migration from a proprietary, closed architecture to an open, distributed, standards-based architecture for Stanford's new infrastructure and enterprise applications. The Stanford University Enterprise Architecture (version 1.0) is the foundation for building and maintaining modular, dynamic, and open information systems. The publication of the material included in this web site marks the first in a series of efforts to describe Stanford University's information technology architecture, including the underlying concepts, framework, practical guidelines and implementation. The Enterprise Architecture will help application and infrastructure projects develop an institution-wide strategy towards more effective systems. It will significantly enhance Information Technology Systems and Services (ITSS) ability to plan technology investments and decisions. 
Stanford U - Infrastructure Projects list 11/1/96
Stanford - Architecture, Planning and Standards
Architecture, Planning & Standards
Stanford University Enterprise Architecture
SU Enterprise Architecture
Infrastructure Project 26 Summary page
This report is a proposed information technology architecture for Tufts University. It provides a broad framework to guide information technology decisions to assure that the mission of the University is served with effective and efficient deployment of scarce technology resources. 
Tufts Information Technology Architecture Report
the University has determined to focus on the development of an integrated information environment. The intent is not merely to integrate current information systems or processes but to redesign the University's business processes using business process reengineering (BPR) techniques and methodologies. 
Information Architecture Project
U Arizona - Data Administration homepage 09/04/98
U Arizona - Information Technology - Strategic Directions For The Year 2000 June 27, 1994
U Arizona - SIS2000 Home Page March 5, 1998
U Arizona - U.N.I.T.E. Effort Homepage
U Arizona - UNITE May 1997
U Arizona - Architecture Index
Information Architecture
Data Architecture
JPEG image 523x242 pixels
Data Administration
The purposes of the IT Program are to:
Level I - Achieve Competitive Parity. That is, ensure that we have sufficiently automated the key business processes to at least be as efficient and effective as our competitors.
Level II - Achieve Competitive Advantage. This means that we have used our Information Technology Asset in ways that make us more efficient and more effective than our competitors at delivering our existing products and services, and at bringing new products and services to market.
Level III - Achieve Sustained Competitive Advantage. This level recognizes that for the most part technology-based competitive advantage is short term in nature.
The simple fact is that any competitor with the money and interest can usually buy the technology to match ours. Sustained competitive advantage then means that the IT asset is used in ways that create a business advantage that cannot be easily or quickly overcome or matched.
U Connecticut - Health Center Information Technology Plan 1997
Cherubim Agent Based Dynamic Security Architecture Technical Report
Foundations of the University of Iowa's Enterprise Information Architecture
U Iowa - EIA Foundations
Strategic Plan 2000-2005
EIA Foundations Diagram
Foundations of the University of Iowa
Technology Assessment Framework
Site List for Software Architecture
Software Architecture Resource Sites (Meta)
Software Architecture
A plan for changing the infrastructure, processes, and systems that support administrative functions at U M and requested that the plan be implemented as quickly as possible.
U Mich. - An Information Technology (IT) Architecture for ITD 8/1995
U Mich. - Digital Library Original Proposal
U Mich. - Index of /~gpirkola/IT_arch_ss
U Mich. - It Architecture - Lowest layer of Specification - Products
U Mich. - Administrative Systems to Be Streamlined, Integrated (Info. Tech. Digest-9/95) 09/11/1995
U Minn. ITA Home Page 1997
U Minn. - RFP Draft for State-wide Library System July 11, 1996
Security - 1. Background and Objectives
Information Technology Principles, The University of Pennsylvania University of Colorado Financial Management System Principles and Assumptions U Pitt - IAIMS Executive Summary
U Penn - Sample Planning Principles
U Penn - Cornerstone Technical Architecture Assumptions
U Penn - Information Technology Architecture and Standards December 2, 1998
U Penn - Network Architecture Task Force 1 May 1997
U Penn - Network Architecture Task Force: Products 11/25/98
U Penn - Reshaping the Enterprise: Information Architecture and Process Innovation
U Pitt - Reshaping the Enterprise II
Campus Financial Systems for the Future
Office of Administrative Systems Data Warehouse  
The Enterprise Integration Laboratory (EIL) research will enable businesses to develop, manufacture, sell, deliver and support products and services with unprecedented speed, flexibility, quality and economy. This is achieved through the application of business practices and technologies that create a business infrastructure enabling the dissemination of information, coordination of decisions, and management of actions to and among people and systems within the organization and outside of it. EIL research explores the creation of Enterprise Integration concepts in a bi-directional manner, in that it is simultaneously theory and application driven; an underlying philosophy to this research is that solving real problems leads to breakthrough research.
U Toronto - Enterprise Integration Laboratory
EIL - Technical Papers
whITe PAPERS is a University of California series of reports on current issues affecting the deployment of information technologies, applications and services at UC. These reports are intended to articulate issues to a wide audience, with the goal of stimulating discussion and soliciting feedback. white PAPERS is coordinated by Information Resources and Communications in the UC Office of the President
UC Office of the President - white PAPERS
An ITA is a set of information technology principles, standards, guidelines, and statements of direction intended to facilitate and promote the design and purchase of interoperable systems. Appropriate architecture leads to savings in delivery time, price, training, support, and maintenance. 
UC Berkeley - An Information Technology Architecture for the campus" 1996
Information Technology Architecture Task Force (ITATF)
UC Berkeley - Draft Report of the Commission on Computing August 11, 1998
UC Berkeley - ITA: Framework + Components June 23, 1998
UC Berkeley - ITA: Other ITA web sites August 5, 1998
UC Berkeley - ITA: Security November 30, 1998
UC Berkeley - ITA: White Papers: Overview May 6, 1996
UC Berkeley - ITATF October 28, 1998
UC Berkeley - PC Hardware 10/26/98
The UC Davis Information Technology Strategic Plan acknowledges the value of a distributed client/server computing environment to the campus and the need to provide a supporting infrastructure
UC Davis - A Campus wide Distributed File System
UC Davis - ADM Home Page May 30, 1997
UC Davis - DCAS Home Page
UC Davis Distributed Computing Architecture May 1, 1998
UC Davis Distributed File System Architecture Security
UC Davis Distributed File System Architecture
UCI's research in software architecture is directed at reducing the cost of application development by focusing attention on high level design issues and increasing the potential for reuse among systems in closely related product families. 
UC Irvine - Software Architecture Research
The primary goal of the plan is to design a responsive, cost-effective, campus-wide structure for the development and deployment of IT 
UC LA - Department Profiles - Administrative Information Systems July 16, 1998
UCLA AIS = 1996 Information Technology Framework
Make IT Work for UCLA
I. Introduction
A 4-year research program to develop new tools for the transmission, retrieval, and processing of multimedia data. 
UC SB - The Next-Generation Ntworked Multimedia Project
UC SB - The NGNM Project 09/18/1996
As part of the university's coordinated technology plan, the Carolina Computing Initiative (CCI) aims to ensure that Carolina students, faculty and staff have easy access to high-quality and affordable technology and can use it effectively. At the center of the initiative is the requirement that, beginning with incoming freshmen in the fall of 2000, undergraduates at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill own laptop computers that meet University specifications
UNoCarolina - Carolina Computing Initiative Home 10/26/98
UNoCarolina - -CH ATN / Campus Tech Issues 09/1998
Purpose of providing an environment for research and teaching in the areas of large-scale software design and development processes, generic and domain specific software architectures, software engineering tools and environments, cooperative system design, and the economics of software engineering
USC - Center for Software Engineering Home Page 10/26/98
The University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks to build a shared vision among technology experts across the University on the interoperability and efficient use of information systems. 
UW-Madison - Architecture Home Page 09/28/98
UW-Madison - Charter of the Committee on Information Technology Architecture (CITA) September 12,
UW-Madison - IT Architecture Groups October 22, 1997
UW-Madison - IT Architecture Results August 28, 1998
UW-Madison - Overview of IT Architecture Jan 23, 1997
UW-Madison - Process Jan 27, 1997
UW-Madison IT Architecture Home Page
Comprehensive list of things IT 
Washington U Information Systems Meta-List
IT,Milan,Politecnico di Milano
A Framework for the Alignment of IT

Federal Government

Treasury Information Systems Architecture Framework 9/30/1997
DoC IT Enterprise Architecture Home Page
Army - Architecture Directorate Website
Army - Electronic College of Process Innovation
Army - JTA-A Homepage
Army - Operational Architecture Combined Arms Center Home Page Sept 29, 1998
Army - Systems Architecture Branch - Fort Gordon November 18, 1998
Army C4I Technical Architecture 03/31/95
Army Enterprise Strategy Nov. 3, 1998
Army - AEAFD Public Site
Architecture Links
Architecture Directorate Development Site
NTIS DOD TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Inform. April 30, 1996
DOD - Chief Information Office - Home Page
DOD - TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Information (Meta) 3 March 1997
DOD - Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) Home Page 26 May 1998
DOD - Software Architecture Technology Guide 1995
DOD TAFIM 04/03/98
DOD - TAFIM 3 April 1998
DOD - TAFIM Volume 4 (Foreword) 30 April
DOD Lockheed Martin STARS Reuse Papers September 4, 1996
DOD Standards and Guidelines Architecture Guidance 05 Nov
DOD - A Testbed for Analyzing Architecture Description Languages
DOE - AOSS Communiqué, 1997  
DOE - Effective IT Infrastructure Management as an Enterprise Survival Mechanism
DOE - GSII Plan/Architecture Overview 7/16/96
DOE - Information Architecture
DOE - Information Management Strategic Plan
DOE - A Progress Report on Enterprise Architecture Planning 1997
D of Education - Inside Project EASI/Tech Info/SFAP Business Drivers and Architecture Principles
DON CIO Home Page: Initiatives : Center For Architecture and Standards 11-Dec-1998
DoN Data Architecture IPT
Department of the Navy CIO
EPA - Information Technology Architecture Road Map Nov 13, 1997
GSA - ArchitecturePlus 12/09/98
GSA - Architecture Presentations and Articles
GSA - Other IT Architecture Sites 12/9/98
GSA - Draft Architectural Contributions to Financial Systems
GSA - Effective Practices Program 11/24/98
GSA - Enterprise Architecture - Conceptual Framework August 1998
GSA - IT Policy OnRamp 11/24/98
LANL Information Architecture Project Nov 12, 1998
LANL Information Architecture Project
LANL - Title and Credits May 3, 1994
Introduction to the IA Online Materials 11/25/98
LANL - Information Architecture Standards 12/14/98
DARPA Information About the Information Technology Office
DISA - The Defense Information Infrastructure COE Home Page 06/98
NASA 1998 Strategic Plan - Cover Page October 30, 1997 
NASA - Architecture and Design of Storage and Data Mining. June 30,1995
WG1 Standards View 15 January 1997
Requirements for Enterprise-Reference Architectures 1997-April-29
GERAM NP 20 May 1996
Nist - Activities of TC184 SC5
NIST - CAT Government Information Technology Services (GITS) Working Group March 31, 1997
Nist - Architectures and Frameworks
Lockheed Martin Energy Systems - Adaptive Information Architectures for LMES June 1996
USAF - Air Force CIO - IT Responsibilities - Architecture 2 July 1998
USAF - DataStrat WhtPap2.0 2 September 1998
USAF - Fight or Flight - ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE - CIO Magazine September 1, 1998
Air Force - DARPA STARS Program Sept 1996
Subgroup for the Federal IT Architecture Conceptual Model
Federal Enterprise Architecture Conceptual Framework
What CIOs need to know about Meta Data
Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework Version 1.1
Quick Reference 1,
Quick Reference 2.
OMB M-97-16 Information Technology Architectures
International - Federal Level - Governments
Alberta -Office of the Chief Information Officer
Hong Kong Health Administration - Enterprise Information Architecture
Hong Kong Telemedicine Association 11/27/97
Miscellaneous - Architecture Resources
These listings are primarily vendors and white papers I found as I investigated the EA. If you have brief expansions on these vendors (a couple of lines) I will include them here on the next revision.
2ab - EA
Ackley Associates Home Page 03/31/98
Akma- Enterprise Architechture Development
Andersen & Opdahl - A Metamodel for IS-Architecture Representation
APG - Enterprise Architecture Services
Architecting Architecture - Giga View - CIO Magazine April 15,1998
Architect's role in package application integration - SunWorld - August 1998
Augment Communications Ltd. -- Corporate Architecture Planning
Babbage Simmel - Enterprise Architecture Planning 2
Babbage-Simmel - Enterprise Architecture Planning
Baynetworks - Adaptive Networking Enterprise
BCR - The Importance of a Network Architecture October 1995
BerMark Dynamics Inc. - Enterprise Solution Builders 1957
BRINT - Enterprise Architecture: An Overview (Paper) (Meta)1996
CAUSE - Information architecture
Cecere - Achitecting Architecture -
CIT - A Framework to Define a Generic Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology
CMP - Conference Explores Building Of Enterprise Computing Architecture
Computer Science Technical Report (CS-TR) Project: A Pioneering Digital Library Project Viewed from a Library Perspective 1996
Contents (Generic Office Environment) 1994
Cottey and Chang - Technology How-To: Plan Your Enterprise Architecture
CSTR -- Computer Science Technical Reports 1966
CVISN Architecture Data Architects Welcomes You
DCI: Sue Mellen - Enterprise Architecture Planning February 5, 1998
DCI's Managing Enterprise Architecture Planning Seminar: Enterprise Modeling for Business, Data, Applications and Technology
Dialogue Switching Technologies - Business Plan
DMTF The Desktop Management Task Force 1998
EDCAUSE - Campus Financial Systems for the Future
EDCAUSE - The Learning Action Plan: A New Approach to Information Technology Planning in Community Colleges
Enterprise Architecture Services
Enterprise Logic, Inc. - Networks by Design
Finkelstein Home Page: Clive Finkelstein 12/09/98
Framework Software, Inc. 1998
Friedman - IAIMS (Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems) 3/98
SE-com - Enterprise-Wide Technical Architecture (EWTA)
Hackett - Information Technology Benchmark 1998
Honeywell - Domain-Specific Software Architectures for GN&C 1996
Enterprise IT Architecture Planning 
Hurwitz Group Analysis of Enterprise Architectures
" IBM - Open Blueprint home page (Meta) 10/22/97
IBM Systems Management and Networking 12/08/98 Services
IEAC International Enterprise Architects Consortium
IEAC International Enterprise Architects Consortium Links
IFIP/IFAC Task Force on Enterprise Integration
INfo Advisors - Framework Architectures List 
International Enterprise Architects Consortium
ISW - Business Themes and Enterprise Architecture June 1995
ISWorld Net Home page 8/98
JBATechnology - A Business-led Approach
Kluth - Frederick John Kluth - Enterprise Information Architecture 1993
Knowledge Partners Inc.1998
Lash - The Information of Architecture Meets the Architecture of Information April 16, 1996
Lockheed - Home Page -- Software Architecture Technology Guide
LOOK - Quidnunc (Enterprise Architecture)
Louden - IPT Ken Louden - Architecture Presentation 25 October 1996
McAfee, David Research Page Architecture Pointer List
MCI - Cerf - Looking Beyond the Millenium
META Group INfusion- Enterprise Architecture Strategies (EAS) Meta View - Three Architectural Sins- CIO Magazine May 1, 1997
Metadatabase Research Homepage 12/08/98
Meta-Enterprise - Links
MetaGroup About META Group, Inc. 04/98
Microsoft Solutions Framework
Microsoft Solutions Framework - Best Practices 06/97
Microsoft Solutions Framework -- Enterprise Architecture July 01, 1998
Microsoft Solutions Framework - Enterprise Architecture Model (Meta) June 4, 1998
NCR - OCCA 6.0.2 Banner
NCR The Open Group and NCR's Architecture Framework Comparison December 19, 1996
North East EA Council - Who Are We
Northeast Consulting Resources, Inc.
Object Ideas - Enterprise Architecture Modeling(LCP)
Open Group Architectural Framework (Meta) 1998
Oracle's NCA (Meta) 1998
Orr - Ken Orr - Data Warehouse Paper 1997
Orr - Ken Orr Enterprise Data Architecture 1997
OTIS - Information Technology at OTIS March 4, 1996
Performance Engineering Corporation -Search on architecture
Perkins - Finklestein Paper: Alan Perkins - "Enterprise Engineering Methodology and Tools" 11/27/98
Perkins - Finklestein Paper: Alan Perkins - "Enterprise Information Architecture" 11/27/98
Scheider - INFOED - Architecture Strategy 1996
Spewak - Seminar Managing Enterprise Architecture Planning 
Enterprise Architecture Planning by Spewak, Steven; Hill, Steven C. ISBN: 0471599859; Softcover
Stevenson - Dennis A Stevenson ISW - Enterprise Architecture References July 5 1995
Stevenson - Dennis A Stevenson -ISWorld Net Research - Enterprise Architecture 25th November 1997
Stevenson - Dennis Stevenson - ISW - Enterprise Architecture - 4 Domains Image
Stevenson, Dennis - The Chief Architect's
Sun - The world of the technical architect - SunWorld - March 1998
Sybase, Inc. SBC Enterprise Work Architecture 1998
Sybase, Inc. Worldwide Professional Services Architecture Development 1996
TAM - Highlights
TAM- Enterprise Architecture Process
TAM Home Page 1998
TEIM - McDea - Tech Arch (includes PDA's) 
TEIM - Welcome to Enterprise Architecture -- Questions? Contact
The Open Group and NCR's Architecture Framework Comparison
TiAC - The Information Architects' Cooperative
TOGAF - The Open Group Architectural Framework
The Open Group Architectural IT architecture Portal
TRC - Downloads - TRC Software -
TRC - Architecture, Java, and CORBA: A Successful Combination for Application Development
TRC - Next Generation Computing White Papers
TRC -Architecture Model
Next Generation Computing White Papers - Distributed Object Computing - Distributed Objects
Trottier - ASP Today - Enterprise Architecture Planning and Development
UNISYS - Integrated Information Environment
Visible - Paper: Alan Perkins - "Enterprise Information Architecture"
Visible - White Papers
XIWT Home Page 9/9/98
Experiences Applying a Practical Architectural Method
State Government
Telecommunications and Information Technology Plan
State IT Architecture Page
State of Arkansas Information Technology Policies and Standards
Shared Architecture Presentations 
TIC Current Projects Page
1998 Strategic Plan 
Arizona Strategic Plan Download
Tactical98 cover page
1998 Strategic Plan
The States Inventory Project: A Clearinghouse of State Information Infrastructures
Colorado State Government Colorado Commission on Information Management (IMC)
Colorado State Government Colorado Commission on Information Management Subcommittees
Improving the planning process is one of the major strategic goals of the Office of Policy and Management and the Office of Information and Technology. 
Connecticut - Purpose of the Strategic Plan 10/01/1994
CTStrategic Plan for IT 98 - DOIT Arch & Plng
IT Plan Table of Contents
TRW -- Information Resources Management Security Policy
Enterprise Security
Information Technology Services, State of Iowa, main web-page
ITRMC State Plan - IT Principles
This information technology document is published as the result of Data Processing Oversight Commission (DPOC) coordination with State data processing professionals, input and feedback from businesses with whom the State has conducted business, and executive management of State government. This document is targeted to the Executive Branch of the State of Indiana, otherwise termed in the following pages as the "enterprise". The architectural objective upon which the information technology principles are based is organizational efficiency, effectiveness and responsiveness. Services provided and functions performed by agencies of the State of Indiana have as their primary goal the improved quality of life of Indiana citizens. 
Indiana - DPOC Architecture February 3, 1995 12/14/98
We also recognize the need to integrate our programs and organizations across agencies to deliver coordinated services as an enterprise. Services from disconnected, seemingly uncoordinated organizations are frustrating, costly, and sometimes poorly serve our citizens. Furthermore, for many of the services that citizens receive, the point of delivery occurs at the local level. 
Kansas - KIRC Home Page February 6, 1998
SIM Plan
Kansas Information Technology Office (KITO) j
An information technology architecture and related set of standards are necessary to ensure the compatibility of the current IT projects and other future IT initiatives. The architecture and standards provide a blueprint for the development of information technology applications. The information technology architecture provides a framework for the development of new applications. The architecture includes models for data and applications along with the technical environment including hardware, software, and networks. A working plan to accomplish the future Commonwealth IT architecture is detailed in the following document. 
Kentucky - Architecture Introduction
Kentucky - Information Technology - Table of Contents
Kentucky - Emerging Technologies Intro Page
Strategic Planning
IT Architecture and Standards
An information architecture is a planning tool which helps develop technically compatible systems by providing a consistent approach to information technology across an organization. 
ISPB Homepage
BIS homepage for the Internet
The Commonwealth and its agencies have committed to building a common enterprise network in order to reduce the Commonwealth's expenditure on telecommunications and to promote connectivity and interoperability among various state agencies. 
Massachusetts - ITD NT/Exchange - Design & Naming Guidelines April 24, 1998
Massachusetts - Network Management Final July 1998
Massachusetts - Information Technology Standards and Guidelines April 1998
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Maryland's Information Technology Master Plan
Information Technology (IT) has never been more critical to quality of life and economic vitality than now, and it will increase in importance as we move into the 21st century. This is an issue that touches every citizen throughout the state of Minnesota, at work, at school and at play. It affects their well-being whether they are involved in businesses large or small, patients in a health care facility, government leaders, or individuals in the privacy of their home. 
Minnesota- Information Infrastructure Report June 1996
Strategy Document Executive Summary
This document is a road map for using Information Technology throughout Missouri State Government. It is the result of recommendations originated by Governor Carnahan's Commission on Management and Productivity. 
MO IT Tactical Plan 09/08/98
MO IT Strategic Plan October 29, 1998
MO IT Strategic Plan
Missouri State Networked Information Plan - Table Of Contents
ITS Infrastructure Plan
ITS Strategic Master Plan
Emerging Technology
1999-2000 Information Technology Plan
Based on DeBoever - EAS from Meta Group This document defines the new technical architecture. It serves as a blueprint for the design and deployment of the full spectrum of information systems owned by the State, and for the computing, communications, and management infrastructure required to support these systems. The Statewide Technical Architecture will allow individual departments to respond to specific business needs using common components, thus ensuring that information systems will be shared and managed on a statewide basis. 
North Carolina - Statewide Technical Architecture EAS (Meta)1997
North Carolina - Statewide Technical Architecture Strategy Fall 1996
North Carolina Technical Architecture Documentation
Information Technology Department | State of North Dakota
Information Technology Department | Information Technology Architecture
Information Technology Department | Information Technology Planning"
Information Technology Department | IT Business Plan

US,ST, NE Nebraska Statewide Technology Plan
Architecture principles -PDF
DITM Home Page
Strategic Planning Templates - PDF
DITM documents
IT Mission and Vision
IT Transition Plan
Statewide Information Technology Strategic Plan 
New Mexico CIO: Statewide IT Strategic Plan
New Mexico CIO: Information Architecture
New Mexico CIO: IT Policies
New York - Office for Technology -- Policy Listing
NYS Office for Technology - Future Strategy
Technology Policy 97-1 Information Security
State of Nevada - DoIT/PSP: Table of Contents
The state of Ohio will adopt and implement a standards-based technology information architecture which assures timely, accurate and cost-effective information delivery from source to consumer, regardless of the platform, technology or location of either. Enterprise Architecture is designed to allow all agencies to communicate and share data to guarantee timely delivery of accurate information to all consumers, particularly the citizens of the state of Ohio
Ohio - State of Ohio's Enterprise Architecture
Strategic Planning & Review
State of Oregon Enterprise Information Technology Strategy
Oregon Enterprise Standards, version 1.4.1
Strategic Vision
Security Administration Requirements
OIR Strategic Plan
IRC Final
Best Practices Plan
Strategic Planning
Table of Contents
St. of Tennessee Information Systems Plan
A Vision for the Millennium describes a broad approach to providing government information and services to the public. It proposes improved sharing of information among agencies, and defines roles for public and private sector providers. Several profiles are featured throughout the plan to describe how a variety of Texans will benefit from the vision. 
"A Vision for the Millennium" - DIR October 30, 1998
Texas Department of Information Resources
State of Utah Information Technology Architecture Business Problem: The rate of change in the state's business processes and information technology resources continues to increase at an increasing rate. 
Utah - CIO Home Page 
Technology Security Standard

Policy 90-1-- Information Technology Security Policy
Information Technology Security Standard
Roadmap: Strategic Plan for Virginia's IT Infrastructure
Architecture PPT
Enterprise Architecture Main Page
About Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise Architecture Governance
Enterprise Architecture Resources
Enterprise Architecture for the Commonwealth of Virginia
This Plan lays out a vision, long range goals, specific objectives and recommended actions for meeting Vermont's telecommunications needs. 
Vermont - Telecommunications Plan
Telecommunmcation plan 1999
Information Engineering Methodology (IEM). The phases of IEM define the tasks and deliverables over the full spectrum of information systems development from strategic planning to systems implementation. This project focused on the initial planning phase and resulted in an agency wide ISP based on the organization's key business drivers and information needs
Washington State Department of Ecology Information Technology Strategic Plan October 1996
Washington - Information Technology Tactical Plan November 1997
Washington - ISB: Statewide IT Policies
State of Washington Strategic Information Technology Plan: Table of Contents
Washington State Department of Information Services Tech Central
Security Policy
The purpose of the Internet Architecture Project is to outline a general architecture for Internet services for state government in Wisconsin. This will focus on basic Internet business requirements and how the state should organize its technology and services to meet those requirements. 
WI IT Plan in Brief - Introduction
Wisconsin: Table of I.T. Standards December 4, 1998
Wisconsin: Department of Administration, BadgerNet
State of Wisconsin, Bureau of Technology Policy and Planning
Wisconsin IT Plan-in-Brief
Enterprise Security Policy State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Strategic IT Planning - Home Page
State of West Virginia 1998-2001 Information Technology Plan
Information Strategy Planning has been adopted to address this need. Information Strategy Planning creates a high-level view of the State of Wyoming's information and interaction, paying particular attention to where data is created, read or retrieved, updated, and/or deleted. This type of planning ties general state processes, and data categories to organizations and it allows identification of data usage across agencies. 
Wyoming's Strategic Direction for Information Technology

CIO Draft of WOW Standards - Revision February 26, 1998

The States Inventory Project: A Clearinghouse of State Information Infrastructures
The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, authored by John Zachman, draws upon the discipline of classical architecture/construction and engineering/manufacturing to establish a common vocabulary and set of perspectives-a framework-for defining and describing today's complex enterprise systems. It is a logical structure for classifying and organizing those elements of an enterprise that are significant to both the management of the enterprise and the development of its information systems. The pointer lists may be redundant with the above. 
Barnett - Implementing and Managing Enterprise Architecture Using the Zachman Framework
FSI's. - The Zackman Framework for Enterprise Architecture
Paper: Zachman - Framework for the enterpsise archictects Concepts
Paper: John Zachman - Enterprise Systems Legacy and Architecture 27 November 1998
The Enterprise Framework Group (Zackman)
The Zachman Institute for Framework Advancement (Meta) 06/24/98
Zackman - Methodology
ZIFA FRAMEWORK ARTICLES | Enterprise Architecture: The Issue of the Century 1996
IEAC References
The IEAC is one of two organizations, the International Enterprise Architects Consortium, or the International Enterprise Architects Cooperative, the first is sponsored by DCI the second by Barnett Data. The purposes of the two appear to be the same. The pointer lists may be redundant with the above.
Overview of UW-Madison IT Architecture
Stanford University Enterprise Architecture
State of Connecticut (Strategic Plan for Information Technology)
State of Delaware IT Plan
University of Michigan: IT Architecture for ITD
University of Toronto Enterprise Integration Laboratory
Department of Energy's (DOE) Strategic Information Planning
IBM's Network Computing Framework for e-business
IBM's Open Blueprint
Microsoft Solutions Framework: Enterprise Architecture Model
e Computing Architecture
Oracle: Network Computing Architecture
U.S. Dept. of Defense - Technology Architecture Framework for Information Management (TAFIM)
Enterprise Architects, Inc. (Dr. Steven H. Spewak)
The Information Architects Cooperative (TiAC - Jon Blunt)
Zachman Institute for Framework Advancement
ARIS (IDS Prof Scheer)
Framework Software Inc. (FSI) - Structure 3.0
Hewitt Atlas
PTech Framework 5.2
ISWorld Net Research - Enterprise Architecture
BRINT - Enterprise Architecture
IFIP/IFAC Task Force on Architecture for Enterprise Integration
Office of Information Technology
Software Architecture Reference Sites
BRINT - Enterprise Architecture: An Overview (Paper) (Meta)1996
DOD - TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Information (Meta) 3 March 1997
IBM - Open Blueprint home page (Meta) 10/22/97
Microsoft Solutions Framework - Enterprise Architecture Model (Meta) June 4, 1998
North Carolina - Statewide Technical Architecture EAS (Meta) 1997
Open Group Architectural Framework (Meta) 1998
Oracle's NCA (Meta) 1998
Stanford University Enterprise Architecture (Meta) 0/02/96
The Zachman Institute for Framework Advancement 06/24/98